How School is Organised
  • Students are placed into mixed Year 7 and Year 8 homerooms.
  • All classes are well equipped with digital tools, technology and furniture to facilitate learning in a 21st Century context.
  • All students use school Chromebook computers for their personal use, at school.
  • The Homeroom Teacher teaches his/her class the core curriculum subjects: English, Mathematics & Statistics, Science, Social Sciences, Health & Physical Education
  • Students attend classes with Specialist Teachers for one half day per week. These classes include: Visual Arts, Arts, STEM and Food & Hospitality Technology.
  • Identified students receive additional assistance which encourages their learning through participation in targeted enrichment literacy and numeracy programmes
  • Enhancement programmes operate for our most motivated and enthusiastic mathematicians, readers, writers, scientists, technologists, performing artists, environmentalists, visual artists and students who would like to learn another language.
  • A programme for gifted students is part of the school’s programme. This involves a one day school on site. MindPlus, the NZ Centre for Gifted Education administers this programme.
  • The School enters teams in weekly competitions for Hockey and Netball.
  • Students are offered the opportunity to become involved in the presentation of our major performing arts production
  • Face to face meetings with parents/caregivers and whanau, to discuss individual student progress are held twice a year. Parents/caregivers and whanau are reported to three times per year in a written format.
  • The school day commences at 8:30am with the emphasis placed on numeracy and literacy teaching during the morning hours of each day. School finishes at 3pm.
  • The school day comprises of four teaching blocks, of varying length. There are three breaks in the day in which the students manage their own food and liquid intake, their various practices/rehearsals/commitments and avail themselves to various recreational options.
  • As the name suggests Intermediate Schools specifically exist to help children in the middle stages of their school learning journey. During early adolescence it is vital to keep young learners motivated, connected and attentive, to develop cognitive flexibility, creativity, behavioural regulation as well as emotional/social competence and resilience and an eagerness to learn, attaining academic success and meaningful, fulfilling lives.
  • Bruce McLaren Intermediate School’s curriculum continues to build on the programmes delivered in primary school. As a point of difference, greater responsibility for learning is placed on the Intermediate School student. This takes time and proceeds at different rates dependent upon the capabilities of the individual. This is known as Metacognition.
  • To reach metacognition, students have to think about their own learning actions, attitudes, values and motivations so that they can develop into lifelong learners who drive and control their own learning journey.
  • To achieve these goals we place importance on the delivery of programmes which are additional to core classroom activities that add depth of experience and understanding to cultural awareness, arts, sports, technology, science, personal wellbeing, personal development and the learning of other languages.
About The School

Bruce McLaren Intermediate School is a school organised into mixed ability classes for Year 7 and Year 8 students. Each of these classes is taught by a homeroom teacher, in a classroom characterised by its modern learning environment. This means that students have access to computers, Chromebooks and IWBs (Interactive Whiteboards) as well as a variety of cameras and other digital tools to support their real time learning.

The school’s physical facilities include:

• A fully networked and wireless site

• Hall/Gymnasium

• Recently refurbished Hard Materials Room and workshop

• Recently refurbished Design & Digital Space

• Recently refurbished Fabric Technologies Room

• Recently refurbished Food & Science Technologies Room

• Recently refurbished Visual Arts Room

• Recently refurbished Metal Work, Engineering and Electronics Room

• Multipurpose Room for Performing Arts, Music, Dance and Drama

• Spacious Library

• Rooms specifically for enrichment and enhanced learning and Gifted Education.

• Bilingual classroom (Ola Finafinau)

• MindPlus classroom

• Arohanui classroom

• New Artificial Turf playing surface

• Pit Stop – breakfast and lunch room

The school is staffed by a balance of men and women; teachers with interests and skills and a passion for teaching intermediate-age children.  The teachers use current best teaching practices and engage in regular professional development.  It is the teacher who makes the greatest difference to student achievement.

The school’s academic programme places emphasis on core Numeracy and Literacy skill development. The programmes delivered are differentiated for groups of learners and where applicable, individualised for the specific learning needs of students.  It is this emphasis on differentiated and individualised learning, informed by the school’s comprehensive system of assessment using a variety of assessment tools, which informs the provision of the programmes.

The school’s teachers have completed detailed work on developing student learning through our McLaren Inquiry. The inquiry process threads through the curriculum delivery enabling students to develop a personalised approach to their learning by becoming the ‘driver’ of that learning.

Digital literacy is woven through the school’s curriculum delivery so that our students can safely navigate the trail of ideas, opinions and information available via the internet.

A Samoan bilingual classroom operates for students whose Samoan heritage and language is acknowledged and incorporated into their everyday learning.  The class programme follows the New Zealand curriculum with a clear focus on biliteracy in both Samoan and English.  Our philosophy is guided by three principles: language, identity and support, and aims to significantly improve our students’ academic achievements and personal growth.  Students with prior language is preferred: however, we welcome enquiries from all interested families.

Bruce McLaren Intermediate School’s aim is to facilitate experiences that challenge students to become increasingly independent, mindful, more skilled at being meta-cognizant and at ease when relating to others.

School Values

The school’s values programme is taught throughout a students’ two years at Bruce McLaren Intermediate School. Students learn about the 5C’s and ensure they are in ‘the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing’.

School core values are the 5C’s:

Care, Courtesy, Co-operation, Commitment, Common Sense.

With the embedding of the school’s values the McLaren Way is evident and is displayed through student and staff actions:

The McLAREN WAY – to do something well we need to have:

M otivation … consistent, hardworking, determined, focused

C ommitment … regular attendee, prompt, prepared, persevering

L eadership … supportive, willing, encouraging, positive

A chievement … significant improvement, high standards

R eliability … independent, use initiative, trustworthy, dependable

E nthusiasm … diligent excitement, happy, engaged

N ever Give Up … perseverance, determines

School Vision

Bruce McLaren Intermediate School students are nurtured by a culture of respect, providing a quality and comprehensive education promoting growth and development in the academic, cultural, social, physical and emotional dimensions, in conjunction with the home and community.

Bruce McLaren Intermediate School enables students to find their dreams and to set them on the path to achievement and personal excellence.

Ko te Tamaiti te Putake o te Kaupapa: The child – the Heart of the Matter. The student is at the centre, nurtured within the internal influences of the McLaren Way and the School Values. The incorporated external influences are the National Curriculum learning areas and the key competencies.

The Board of Bruce McLaren Intermediate School recognises that the school it represents draws students from a community that is multi-cultural and diverse. The Board, therefore, views as appropriate the incorporation of strategies that enable students from multi-cultural backgrounds to gain the most from their educational experience at Bruce McLaren Intermediate School.

The Board also recognises the unique place of Maori within New Zealand society and therefore deems it appropriate that each student will be offered programmes in Tikanga Maori and aspects of Te Reo Maori in accordance with Ka Hikitia. The Board would consider carefully requests for instruction in Te Reo and support families/whanau in exploring these possibilities.

The Board acknowledged the school community request for a Samoan bilingual class and in accordance with the Pasifika Education Plan, Bruce McLaren Intermediate School offers a Samoan bilingual class.